
Why is this called ‘The Memphis on TNE Red!’

JOHN R. BALLEW It is based on subliminal seduction,behavioral targeting and geo-tracking! A revolutionary advertising idea that will change advertising and marketing for the next 100 years! Or I misspelled “the”when I first started? Shari Posey Watson saw it the first day, and I refused to change it or admit it.

Financial Focus

You may spend decades contributing to various retirement accounts. But for some accounts, such as a traditional IRA and 401(k), you must start withdrawing funds at a certain point.

The 501:

My grandmother used to look to the sun in the sky to know what time it was. She owned a watch.

Letter to the editor

Dear Editor, As former educators and members of the Texas Retired Teachers Association (TRTA),we are asking for your support of Proposition 9 on the November General Election ballot. Prop.

Letters to the editor

Dear “The Red River Sun,” I would like to thank you for gifting me a one-year print and online subscription. Thank you for your generous donation! I appreciate your participation.

Ponder Points

In these unsettled times of environmental challenges, gun violence in many of our communities, inflation, job insecurity and rival ethnic groups at war can make it difficult to remain positive. The bombardment of bad news and human misery can bring anyone down from time to time.

Financial Focus

We all make mistakes in many areas of life. These mistakes are usually fairly harmless — we took a wrong turn while driving,used the wrong ingredients in a recipe and so on.But sometimes, our mistakes can be costly — especially those connected to investing.

Financial Focus

If you’ve invested in an IRA for many decades, it may well turn into a key source of income for your retirement. Still, you might not deplete your IRA in your lifetime, especially if you also have a pension or a 401(k) and other investment income.

The 501:

How often does a white-haired septuagenarian get asked to play her obsolete saxophone in a punk rock band? I declined, but I’m having second thoughts. I don’t know anything about punk music, but I donate regularly to Wikipedia – two dollars last year.